Culo inquieto

Ya han pasado dos años desde que llegamos a California tras un paréntesis de otro año viviendo y trabajando en Madrid. El blog sigue su curso, esta vez más centrado en este "life'changing event" que nos está pasando. Y como siempre (o casi)el blog sigue llegando...¡¡¡EN ESPAÑOL!!! Sumamos y seguimos, y añadimos un nuevo miembro a nuestra familia: Sarita Do-Fernández.

lunes, 9 de mayo de 2005

The Wedding Is Over

The wedding is over. That wedding...
That wedding was like a get-together and a farewell on the personal side. I was there with many people that have become my friends in these five years. Kids fro Catalonia, Granada, Malaga, Madrid, Alcala, Puerto Rico, India, Albacete, Palo Alto, the Canary Islands or even Asturias.
Needless to say that they are not my best friends, but somehow, even though I feel quite detached from them, it was just another chance to realise that this is for real, that we are leaving and no matter how much longer I want to postpone it, I have to say my farewells.
It's saddening somewhat. It has been five years where we have all grown a lot. We had to get stronger and lean on one another being so far away from the Peninsula.


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